Sorrowful Letter to Families of Fallen Soldiers

Profile photo for Chris Mariano
Not Yet Rated


A sorrowful letter written to the families of fallen soldiers.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dear mr and mrs Bateman, I regret to inform you that your son has been killed in action. It's nearly impossible to find the words to say to the parents of one who has been killed in war. Some measure of comfort may be derived from the knowledge that he died and the service of the country that he loved. And in the defense of a peace loving people, I'm confident that is devotion to duty. At the cost of all held dear will hasten the day when ruthless aggression shall disappear from the face of the earth. I cannot be prouder to have served with him. Our faith enables us to withstand the shock and grief of death. It is my earnest prayer that Almighty God will sustain and strengthen you in this hour of trial. Yours very sincerely and respectfully.