Chris West Narration Demo

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Not Yet Rated


Narration of a variety of informative, serious and whimsical topics.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Columbus had no trouble securing the three small ships. Finding crew for them, however, was not so easy. The local Seeman thought Columbus would eat it, sail off the edge of the earth or enter an unknown region of perpetual darkness and storm through bribery and persuasion. Columbus finally raised about 100 men and boys to man the three ships. When a baseball player steps up to the plate, he depends on numerous visual cues to be able to direct the back into a collision with Paul, a driver in a car uses related, used to avoid a collision. Brain processes moving objects using two types of vision. Binocular single I and binoculars involving both eyes and depth perception. Split second decisions were made by the brain to create or avoid a collision. Falling has a long and rich history, and today it is one of the most popular sports in the world. But the game had its ups and downs in America. In 18 41 Connecticut law made it illegal to own and operate nine pin leans, probably because bowling is the object of much gambling. But this problem, of course, also proved its popularity well. It is uncertain where the 10 pin game evolved. By the late 18 hundreds, it was prevalent in many states, such as New York, Ohio and as far West is Illinois. Stretch the limits of your imagination. Here is a world that is bigger than life vast continent of almost seven million square miles, and every mile has secrets to share. On this stunning expedition, you'll discover towering mountains, searing deserts, dense rainforests and glistening glaciers.