Narrative Demo

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This is my Narrative Demo which expresses some different books and characters.

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Corbyn stared at the message on his death screen that simply read, Are you the one? How had they figured it out? Who had sent it? Corbyn trying to turn in his seat slowly. So no one would notice that as soon as he started to move, the teacher turned around and he jerked forward again. It was supposed to be a secret, but maybe if he admitted he'd been the one to save the planet, things would be OK. Look, I'm all for frag in aliens, but I gotta wonder if we're doing the right thing here. I mean, Sarge said we were supposed to hold our positions at the rear of the encampment to come in as clean up. I'm not so sure we ought to just be waltzing in with guns blazing. You know what I'm saying? I don't think we're gonna make things better by blowing a big hole in the wall and coming in Shooting, published in 1933 Famous Funnies is considered the very first comic book. But it wasn't until 1938 that the art form became a national phenomenon. It was the publication of Action Comics number one, the first appearance of Superman, I made comic books explode in popularity. Super Man's first Appearance is one of the rarest comic books in the world, with less than 25 copies known to exist. I'm Cody Wyo. Thanks for listening and thank you for your time today.