Conner Evans - Explainer Video Demo

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Video Narration


This is a demo from Conner Evans that is the audio from explainer videos that he has done

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on this episode, We're talking about deductions, so let's say you're single with a job is a lion tamer. You live alone, have no dependence, and your yearly income is $88,000. You have two choices. When it comes to deductions, you can itemize your deductions, or you can take the standard deduction. Meet camp director Peter. He used to be unhappy. He had tried everything to grow his camp. Regular camp listing sites, printed ads, online ads. But those were expensive and didn't bring many campers. Then one day, he discovered I want to go to camp dot com. It gives him everything that a regular camp listing site would give. Plus, I want to go to camp dot com provides a tool for passionate campers to crowd fund their entry to his camp. He also uses his camps existing community to reach more potential campers via I want to go to camp dot com. Now he is happy because Mawr campers make a happy camp. Director