
Profile photo for Connie Webber
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the white sands of the two LaRosa basin are so beautiful they seem other worldly but their natural to this part of New Mexico. Thanks to its high concentration of granite and sands down over millions of years, thes rocks have worn down, leaving over 240 square miles of what's called tabular gypsum. Sand the dust like remnants of ancient rock, ready to crush Shia start. Then let's get to it. First, pull out a length of yarn at least six inches, then make a slipknot starting at six inch mark. Next, make a chain by looping the working end of the yard over your hook in front of the Sleipner, Then pull yarn through the slip not to make your first chain. If you've ever seen polar bears in the zoo, you've probably watched the roll around in the snow. But despite what you may have heard, they're not trying to get your attention. Instead, they're bathing. When they're warm, bodies rub against the ground. The snow melts and flushes the dirt out of there for Susie didn't like her house. The basement was scary. Stairs were steep as she had to share a bedroom with her brother Susie decided to make her own house a tree house, but first she needs to find the right tree.