Voice over demo

Profile photo for Connor Sweeney
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Voiceover for Arizona-based Stem Cell company.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to Family Cords 80,000 square foot Laboratory in storage facility in Tucson, Arizona. Our processing facility is the world's largest newborn stem cell company. Together, we store nearly one million newborn stem cell samples Today. We'll walk you through our facility so you can see how your stem cells are kept safe, secure and ready for the future. We've invested millions of dollars to help ensure the long term safety and viability of your newborn stem cells. After processing samples, air preserved in these tanks suspended above a pool of liquid nitrogen kept at minus 196 degrees Celsius. We also perform nearly 500,000 sample and equipment checks and over 80,000 environmental and sample sterility tests every year. Our backup generator in 2 9000 gallon backup tanks of liquid nitrogen guard all samples day and night. Here is where we process cord blood. Using the XP method to remove plasma, reduced the red blood cells and retain the hamada poetic stem cells. XP is an automated, closed processing method. Having a closed processing method maintains consistency and reduces the risk of contamination. XP is also used by the largest public cord blood bank, the New York Blood Center. So how does our lab protect your core tissue? First, we test all samples with active court, the first test of its kind to measure the health of the whole cord tissue. And then we store the court tissue and whole segments, keeping the mesenchymal stem cell and other cell types intact to ensure our families have the most options that science has to offer in the future. Our processing and storage facility has helped more than 600 families used their cord blood stem cells in a transplant or investigational use. If you need to use your stem cells are team will work with the treating facility and safely release your sample. Not only are cord blood stem cells used to treat over 80 conditions today, newborn stem cells are being researched in over 500 clinical trials worldwide. Toe help in regenerative medicine, which involves repairing damage cells. Family Court is part of the California Cryobank Life Sciences Platform. A 40 plus year old company established by Physicians Family Court and our other affiliates together represent our mission as a life sciences platform to continue to provide the highest level of care and to help grow and protect our family. We are family cord