Television Ad


Conversational, real person-type of reads. Less formal more natural.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I love this program As an educator, I see this as cutting edge teaching in a world where our Children are constantly influenced by negative media. Every school should incorporate this life empowering, success driven curriculum. My eyesight is everything. I was a jeweler for 30 years. I had to give it up because of macular degeneration because of the wonderful help I received in North Texas. Center for site. I have gained my life back. I am so grateful. He's the reason I go for long walks and the reason I take Sunday afternoon naps and he is the highlight of my mornings Before work, I peed my dog. Nature's special menu, all natural dog food from the Roli Poli Puppy stage all the way through to the cuddly senior stage Nature special menu is what I choose