Product Explainer

Profile photo for Conor James
Acheivement Badges Rising Star
Video Narration


Explainer for software

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Today, every big business is a software business from media companies to manufacturers and banks. All large scale companies are creating technology to make their work lives easier and faster. But what happens when the team in Paris creates a time saving tool that could also benefit their colleagues in Miami and Sydney. Right now, those teams either don't know about it or face financial or regulatory issues that prevent them from using it. They work in silos that can lead to higher costs through duplicated effort, inconsistent standards and wasted potential. That's where software comes in, that's where software comes in. Software is a white label, internal software marketplace that allows teams to share license and take advantage of existing tools within their global company.