Luxury brand bespoke furniture

Video Narration


Provided the voice to a promotional video for a top end Italian furniture maker

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There is a place where the eyes are filled with beauty, where everything tells a story about patience, dedication and art. Yeah, where there are people who make a masterpiece out of passion, a place where care for objects is not synonymous with superficiality. Mhm but a gesture of attention, an act of love. Her art can be found even in the smallest things, as in a Shandling, which had seen the most beautiful days past but also the most ordinary mornings. A piece of art who accompanied as a silent and elegant presence the moments of your home making them as familiar as they are special. There is a place where artisans continued to pass on an ancient knowledge from generation to generation. Where old craft shops hide under the arcades. We're creating means planning in the tiniest detail, always remembering an important and inspiring tradition. But learning to make art is a matter of talent, but also of effort, accuracy and hard labour, where nothing is left to chance. Mhm the very beginning during the design phase of the artistic and respectful creation to the end, until the artefact could finally reach you, mhm protected, perfect and timeless. This place is Italy