Motivation Podcast Clip

Profile photo for Corey Goodin
Not Yet Rated


Am excerpt from The Mic Minister Podcast Series.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
life. We have done things and when I say done things, we have done things in life to try to get to the next level, We have done things in life to try to get to the next economic status. We have done things in life that we think will help us. But the truth is, there is something that resides in all of us that God has placed in us that we haven't manifested on the outside yet. There is something that is inside of us that we haven't tapped into. Even if you have talents that you know about, there's still that thing that God wants you to tap into. It's a deeper level. It's something new that God wants us to tap into. The beauty of it is we all have the ability to do so. We just have to make up in our minds that we're gonna put in the time, put in the work with God in order for it to come forth.