Memories from the past



An older man thinking of days long ago biking in the hills.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US Western)


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mountain biking never brought me fame or fortune. Like many of the folks I met during the years of invention and the decades that followed for the people I rode with from the beginning, it was never about anything more than having a good time. In one revolution, it became bigger than any one of us. Any company or any place on the map. It always waas. We just pushed our bikes up a little higher than the rest. But I'm glad I was there when it happened, when the wheels started turning and everything was new and done just for the fun of it. When every ride was a journey into the unknown, when you didn't know of your old Frankenstein bike would survive the ride and you didn't care. Every time I think about those early rides Regling my clunker down a mountain pass with sun setting at my back and the future full of possibilities down the road, I can't help but smile and shake my head and then go ride my bike