Intro to audiobook - professional narration

Profile photo for Crystal Bui
Not Yet Rated


Crystal Bui narrates the intro to the audiobook, \"More To Tell.\" The audiobook is serious, and about the topic of George Floyd's murder in Minneapolis. Book starts off light because of dedication and author's note, etc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
More to tell the real story of George Floyd's murder told by the news reporter who faced sexism and racism covering it by Crystal Bui. Audiobook narrated by me, Crystal Bui. For every person who can relate, for every person who understands and for every person who is questioning if the way things are is how they should be. You own everything that happened to you tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. And Lamont authors note, I wish there weren't more to tell, but the truth is sexism and racism don't exist in a vacuum. And the inherent discrimination George Floyd experienced wasn't isolated. Newsrooms may perpetuate the same injustice they condemn on the air. Despite wanting to forget the years I worked in Minneapolis as a television news reporter. The world deserves to know all sides of the story and what happened when the news cameras turned off to write about what I survived. I combed through videos, text messages, emails, audio recordings, transcripts, social media, posts, photos, news articles and reports. My own and others memories can be slightly hazy during traumatic events, but these pages are as accurate as I can recall. I spoke to some coworkers to ensure our recollections overlapped and they corroborated these experiences. Well, this is a story story about George Floyd and the men who killed him. It's also a memoir, an account of my trauma as a female Asian television news reporter and the arguably racist and sexist behaviors in the newsroom that contributed to that trauma. Some of the events, places and conversations in this memoir have been recreated from memory. The chronology of some events has been compressed when necessary. The names and identifying characteristics of individuals and places have been changed to maintain anonymity. This is not to protect the perpetrators but to keep the focus more on their actions than their identities. This memoir is my take on some of the most challenging years of my life in the way that I remember them and I hope something in these pages encourages others to stand up for themselves, speak up and speak out so that we can address racism and sexism at the source and prevent another George Floyd or another Derek Shoven from happening again.