North American English Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This demo displays my vocal versatility through inflection, pitch, energy, and character. The warmth of my laugh and smile in my voice is prevalent. The love I have for this industry is present in every spot.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you think of an airline, you think of the big things. But our days are built around much smaller things too. And for the last year we've all been dealing with the biggest thing yet, a virus you can't even see. So as you return to the world, we're making sure you do so safely in ways big and small. The world has changed. But our commitment to getting you safely out in it that night. Well, go on. Humans. Put yourself through all that pain, waltz around in those foot knives, stare at your blue light lanterns. Pain will get the best of you soon enough. And for that there's at Phil irresistibly smooth chocolate to put the world on pause linder made to melt you buy the lindt master chocolate tier, new seals booster lash, revitalizing serum four powerful amino acids fused into a cura solution formula, denser thicker, stronger looking lashes. In four weeks, new seals booster last revitalizing serum by Langham