Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This demo showcases a variety of Commercial deliveries in varying moods and attitudes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if you can't rule the world, business is good. You're scaling to meet rising demand and constantly on the go intel inside meat, productivity outside, push all boundaries. What is love? Love is a force of nature. Love is the most powerful emotion a human being can experience. Love is a passionate commitment. It is unconditional, selfless and devoted. Magnify the beauty of your eyes. With Estelle, Audi is advanced night repair fortifies, hydrates prepares, bringing the best to everything we touch. You're about to embark on a guided meditation journey. Over the next few minutes, you will experience a deep sense of calmness and peace. Now relax Tylenol. Rapid release Gaols works of the speed of Life Tiffany Diamond Engagement Ring is the embodiment of love, handcrafted with unrivalled devotion and unwavering artistic passion while playing an iconic role in the world's greatest love storeys. With fewer than 300 guests, the Windstar yacht is large enough to pampering. Indulge yet small enough to dock in the heart of tiny old world. Villagers experience cultures in ways of the personal, authentic and unscripted. Thank you for calling Exhale Salon and Spa, the place where the world revolves around you. At Exhale, we pay attention to every last detail from the moment you arrive. Impeccable service is our standard