Audiobook Narration - Fiction

Profile photo for Curry Whitmire
Not Yet Rated


YA Narration Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I wake up with a PS four controller pressing into my cheek. What time is it? Even the blackout curtain makes my room dark. But between the middle seam, some sort of light finds a way through morning then or at least early afternoon, I slowly forced myself to sit up, wiping the dried drool from my chin. My console must have turned itself off at some point in the night and I uncurl myself from the edge of my bed. My mouth feels like sandpaper and every one of the glasses in my room is empty. Elias. I call Horsley. But when he doesn't answer, I pull up my hood over my greasy, weak unwashed hair and crack open the door to my room, Elias, some indie pop band blares from the speakers downstairs in the kitchen. So I highly doubt he can hear me. He must be baking. There's a sweet scent in the air. Apple pie. I shuffle down the hallway and descend the stairs, rubbing at my eyes. I either sleep too much or not enough and I don't know which it is. I fell asleep at some point last night, but I can't remember when just a lot of shooting and dodging and capturing stupid neon colored flags with Imogen until she had to go to bed. She, for some terrible reason, decided to choose morning university classes something which I will never understand. Elias. Could you turn that trash down? I call as I shuffle into the kitchen but Elias is not here. There's a pie in the oven but I don't see Elias anywhere. He must have gone to the loo or something. So I checked the pie. Definitely apple, one of my favorites and yank open the refrigerator to grab a cup of yogurt and I hear footsteps. I closed the refrigerator door about to tell him how unsafe it is to leave the kitchen while cooking. When Mr Rodriguez, I've got a question about the organization of volumes 14 through 20 of the Star Field extended. The girl freezes the second. She turns into the kitchen, empty pitcher in one hand glass in the other and realizes that it's me. Her face closes off like the snap of a mouse trap in the daylight. She looks just about as normal as they come. Brown hair pulled up away from her heart shaped face framed with a fringe that curls every witch way in that endearing sort of way. I don't quite understand. There's a peppering of freckles across her cheeks, surprisingly long eyelashes framing her hazel eyes and she can't be more than 51 so tiny. She barely reaches my shoulders. And in the moment she reminds me of the girl I met at Exelon, her hair had been pulled back the same way, exposing a row shaped birthmark just behind her left ear. Bloody ****. The yogurt cup slips from my hand and clatters onto the ground. It's her. She blinks at me. I know what. I must look like a tall barely washed guy in a gray hoodie and Naruto boxers that I'm kicking myself for sleeping in. And it's her, the girl from the balcony, she doesn't recognize me. Does she? No, she can't. I wore a mask that night. She did too, but that birthmark is unmistakable. I asked her about it over hash browns. Oh, yeah, I've had it since I was born. She had said sheepishly picking out her hash browns. My parents named me after it rose. Then she smiled and even behind her mask, it made something strange flutter in my stomach. It's a secret. Unless you tell me yours. I'm no one. I lied. It seemed innocuous back then. I didn't want to ruin the moment by telling her the truth. But then when morning came, I thought I heard my name. So I looked over my shoulder and the next second she was gone. And now here she is again, we appeared like some reoccurring dream or perhaps a nightmare. She hesitantly puts the pitcher down on the island counter. Am sorry, I thought you were a liar. I am not. I reply. She rubs her hands on her jeans. They must be sweaty. I know mine are and then holds out her hand as if she wants me to shake it. Her lilac nails are painted with sparkly glitter. I think we got off on the wrong foot. Maybe I'm Rosie. Rosie Thorne. A row state mark. Rosie. I looked down in her hand. Maybe we could, I don't know, be friends, friends. The only friends I've had aside from Imogen, have all gossiped behind my back and sold my deepest secrets to the tabloids. And if she finds out when she finds out that I was the bloke in the general son costume at Excels all of the secrets. I told her all of my fears and hopes and dreams. I don't want to risk them getting out. So it would be best if I don't become her friend at all because the closer she gets, the more likely she will see behind my mask, all the secrets. I told her all of my fears and hopes and dreams. I don't want to risk them getting out. So it will be best if I don't become her friend at all because the closer she gets, the more likely she'll see behind my mask that night on the balcony was a mistake. Meeting her was a mistake. I won't make another one. The tabloids would eat this kind of story up. So I inclined my head instead pushing the feelings I have toward her down into some deep part of me that will find its way to the top. Again, later when I'm alone and tell her in a board tone sure lies, lies, lies. Then I grab a can of Lacroy from the refrigerator leaving her with her hand outstretched.