Home Ownership

Profile photo for Curtis Hustace
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Curtis. Eustis script one only in your home is a great way to strengthen your financial security and your community. Everything from taxes to infrastructure impacts your investment. The american property owners Alliance understands the challenge you face and we're here to ensure your voice is heard by our nation's leaders. So they create policies with homeowners in mind, visit property owners alliance dot org to make sure your voices heard script too. As a homeowner life gets busy, it's hard to keep up with news that impacts you. The american property owners Alliance shares the headlines you want to read, including updates on housing market, property taxes, infrastructure and more. We're here to help protect your investment and build strong stable communities, visit property owners alliance dot org today, script three. The american property owners Alliance works to protect the rights of current homeowners and expand opportunities for more people to own a home. We're a group of industry professionals and people like you who believe homeownership creates financial stability and strong stable communities visit property owners alliance dot org to join us