Apple Store Class Instructional

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Video Narration


In this clip, I voice over a how-to sign your kids up for an Apple Store class. Follow along to see how accurate it is.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're always looking for events to take her kids where they can learn and have fun. While passing an apple store, we saw a class that would be great for them. Here's how you signed them up. Visit apple dot com and scroll to the bottom of the page and select today at Apple. Once the pages loaded, scroll to the middle of the page and select kids and parents. Here, you will see the events Apple has available for this category. Once you have selected the event of your choosing, click on Sign Me up. Now simply sign up using your apple I D and password. Once you have signed in, you'll see that the event you have selected has changed from Sign Me Up, I'm going. If you need to make changes, select. Manage my reservation. From here. You can add the event to your calendar or cancel if you're having a scheduling conflict. The's Apple events are so enriching. They go at the pace of your child and guide them every step of the way. To get more out of the event, find out when your local apple store is not a peak times. I hope you find this video helpful. Please subscribe for more tips on budget friendly ideas that make learning fun. Thank you. All right.