Candide: Or Optimism

Profile photo for Chris Stinson
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Description: Candide & Pangloss witness the destruction of Lisbon during the great earthquake. - \"Candide OR: Optimism\" by Voltaire

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As soon as they recovered themselves a little, they walked toward Lisbon. They had some money left with which they hope to save themselves from starving after they had escaped drowning. Scarcely had they reached the city lamenting the death of their benefactor when they felt the earth tremble under their feet. The sea swelled and foamed in the harbor and beat to pieces. The vessels, riding at anchor, whirlwinds of fire and ashes, covered the streets in public places, houses fell, roofs were flung upon the pavements and the pavements were scattered. 30,000 inhabitants of all ages and sexes were crushed under the ruins. The sailor, whistling and swearing, said there was booty to be gained here. What can be the sufficient reason of this phenomenon? Said Pang Gloss, This is the last day cried candied.