Character Demo



Various animated voices.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in our last episode, Mild. Meeker's was facing a career crisis. I thought I had the perfect job, but I was just a terrible failure at it. Now he has been transformed by a mysterious purple robe. I am the terrier that upset your shoe laces. I am 11. A risk. Clever. Oh, you are so pathetic. You want May retirement about how about we make him sleep with the fishes? Yeah, right. Let's waste them suck. Cast evil doers. Yes, I love that stuff. Grabbing boys. I need first day home job. Throw him in with. Yeah, he threw us in here too. They took me away from my job, but the sewage plant he put me in here cause I puked on issues. Said I was ugly and bad. That top 30. Oh, What's happening? Are we busting out of here? No, it's just a new guy. Bob, Go back to sleep when? I don't know how much longer I can take it in here. Yeah. How are you going to save us, Mr Wrist Slapper? Oh, well, um, Thinus next week when our hero says I wonder what this key is for