Commercial Voice Over Demo

Television Ad


Self-recorded and produced.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
diana, yes, Phil brain freeze is the body's way of saying no to frozen coffee, nabob respect the bean, Okay, like, so my friend said, where did you get that awesome top? And I totally said like H. And M. Was having this well you know sale. And she asked, well is it just one of those things to get you into the store? And then everything turns out to be really crappy? And I said like no, everything was way cool and weigh on sale. And she said really? And I said yeah, and she said really? And I said, yeah, performing heart valve repair without ever opening the patient's chest. That methodist health, that's the difference between practicing medicine and leading it uh attention shoppers for those of you that are over in home improvement and are looking for Snapple, please be aware, you will not find any of Snapple's assortments of flavors in that department. How does jello sugar free pudding fit? All that rich chocolatey taste in 60 tiny calories, who cares, jello sugar free pudding. Every diet needs a little wiggle room revealed dazzling in dramatic lashes with curl and volume, despair, real lengthening mascara from benefactor in three vibrant shades. You won't believe your eyes