Multiple characters/ English U.S.



my own mix of cartoons sounds examples

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
No, it's totally not like this at all. Somebody's coming. Absolutely. This is what we need to do, what we were born to do. Alright, let's say you were with me. That sum total abandoned island, totally isolation. Just with me. Both of us. This is unacceptable. I cannot agree with this. Shame on you. Hey! Yo man, are you ready to do business? Huh? Well you can afford it too bad man. Come along dog! Mom, josh! Make a pee in the bathroom. There is a hole. A ship inside there. Come over, take a look man, marry Jason. We are here to get her in this situation. Hey, this is not really cool. Why are you here? Why you still stalking me? Hey, little girl. I have so much to talking about to you. Do you believe in yourself? Let's do it together. We are united. Is this is everything that you have got. You've got to be kidding me. Let's do the final surprise. I am the pirate in the lonely island. Where is the room