
Profile photo for Stars The Agency
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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Diane Amos. Ladies want to know the secret to a healthier life. Truth is, most of you know what to do. You just having trouble doing by Martha. Oh, hello again, Mr Ferrari. Anything to declare? Uh, just a few mushrooms. Mushrooms in your suit. Cats perfect environment for mushrooms. I'll have to confiscate a couple of Puccini's for tasting. Tasting. Uh, I mean testing. You know what I'm saying? I don't want to go through a bunch of www dot search engine bs dot com to get to the sides I want Is that too much to ask? E dot com Freedom to shop for the finest friends and beauty when you want. Fourth of July is one holiday I have never understood. Now don't get me wrong. I'm all for family gatherings, honey. Eating and gossiping or two of my favorite pastimes. Oakland moms call Oakland healthy Start and keep your new family life happy, healthy and in control. And don't get stuck it into the kitchen meals with toys. Mom, I want to change dramatic change. 50 going to the drive thru fries. You get to take it to burgers, you eat it and you go home and full way. Didn't come here to play. We can hear it. Yeah,