English, Demo Reel, Commercials

Profile photo for Dalton Bates
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This is one of my professionally mixed demos!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you could design your own resort, you'd probably want a beautiful desert situated by a cool bay. You'd have an olympic sized pool for swimming and a shallow pool for volleyball. You'd have water skiing and windsurfing at no extra charge tennis courts with tan instructors, great food and dancing entertainment and cozy companionship. Guess what? You're in Luck Club Sonora's designed it for you. As close to perfection as a resort can be Club Sonora, Coconut Bay. It's a day like any other day. Wake up, go to work, go home. What makes this day different is only an errand away. A stop at the store, a walk to the beer section and a purchase of colorado Golden. You see colorado Golden isn't just any beer. It's a beer that makes even the worst day better. Cold crisp colorado Golden. It's a party waiting to happen right now. Google eyes has two glasses for the price of one. Stop by any spectacles location by one google ized frame and get the second one absolutely free. That means you get two distinctly different google eyes. Looks for one low price google eyes at spectacles, A clear choice