Dan Gates - Conversational, Casual, Friendly, Confident

Online Ad


British English commercial reel. Written and produced by me. Conversational. Casual. Friendly. Genuine. Confident.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We play with family, we play with friends, we play to battle, we play to win and while victory is sweet, the only thing better is the joy that comes from playing together. Nintendo Switch. So you finish work, you get home and surprise. You're hungry, like really hungry. You don't want to cook and you really can't be bothered to go out, but you need some Italian food in your life. What do you do? Deliveroo picture this? You're at the gym on a train or at home, you're halfway through your favorite album and you get slapped with an ad. Annoying, right? Nothing worse. Well, there's a way around that with Spotify premium individual duo family or student. Listen without limits, pick your premium. The Amazon is burning thousands of species are in grave danger, climate change, fossil fuels, animal agriculture, it's killing the planet and there isn't much time left. Find out how you can help by visiting world wildlife dot org. Uni is a time for self discovery, meeting new, like minded people. It's where you can learn and shape your future career at the University of Birmingham. We innovate, we encourage bold, independent thinking and Yeah, it can be challenging but your passion is worth fighting for. We want you to succeed and enjoy the experience. Want to find out more. Just go to Birmingham dot ac dot UK.