Dan Gold Talks Politics

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay, so you don't like the plan for Obama care? But Speaker Pelosi doesn't like it that you don't like it. She says Your protest isn't grassroots, but Astro turf. Well, let me tell you what another president said. Quote a little rebellion now and then is a good thing. Thank you, President Jefferson. American taxpayers owe more than 500 million in interest payments every day to cover our government step. Much of that debt is owed to foreign governments. Go to defeat the dead. Why does Governor Cuomo support fracking in New York? Go to food and water. Watch dot or and tell Governor Cuomo to ban fracking. Danny Mae, Freddie Mac Not really people. Government names made up to get UN approvable Longs approved by a Democrat Congress. Now those una provable own holders can't make their house payments, and you're gonna have to. It's a crying shame. If you elect Obama, you'll be the one crying Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman's register of endorsements is becoming a who's who in political America. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Governor Sarah Palin, Senator Fred Thompson, **** Armey, Governor Tim Pawlenty, Senator Rick Santorum, Steve Forbes, James Stops in the New York Post and apparently Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck this Tuesday. Add your name to the list. Vote Doug Hotman for Congress. We need some presidential backbone, and we need it fast. We need it now. Who's up for the job? Obama means more taxes. McCain means leadership. McCain's got you covered. Some are of the opinion that the answers to their problems lie within the government that somehow a certain president or a political party is going to be able to offer the change we need. Steel, Auto Airlines What do these industries all have in common? Hundreds of thousands of lost jobs and 1,000,000,000 buses are pushing their own. Take a hard look at Mario Garcia's official resume. Doctor Reverend International business consultant, Politician. Some phony to you. Sorry, Mario Lying isn't considered a family value around here. In the next election, less vegans will decide the direction the justice courts will take when they choose a new judge in department. Eight. George Assad is the best choice for Justice Court Governor Bush appointed this conservative to the Supreme Court, and a year later, Greg Abbott was rated the best justice on Texas Is high court. From the horizon to the heart like a new light is shining. America's comeback starts way are the Republican governors