Animation & Video Game Reel

Profile photo for Dani Moseley
Not Yet Rated


All voices heard voiced by me

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Caribbean (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, that would be telling now, wouldn't it Bill? All right there. Alright. Uh next question please. Commissioner. Why did you fire Helen Manor? Who? Sorry, I'm not familiar with that name. Uh Next question please. Helen Manner. Commissioner. She was on your staff for most of your campaign last year. Oh, manure, sorry, I thought you said minor. No, she wasn't fired. She decided to leave due to personal matters like her pregnancy, of which she states you are now both parents to a three month old boy. Are you serious? Uh Are you actually serious? I had nothing to do with that. I knew nothing about that and uh I did not have sexual relations with that woman. So uh yeah, that child's not mine. You have the same unibrow most people do and lazy right eye. That's just a coincidence. And a square birthmark on your chin. Damn it, I didn't want to hurt you. I just wanted to hug you. Can't squeeze you. Let you understand how much I loved you. But now you're mad at me and you don't want to be my friend. No, it's fine. No, no, no, it's, it's fine. It's good. My mom did say that Venus fly drops can't be friends with flies. So you think you can defeat me? I am queens Kendra and I rule this empire. The only reason you are still breathing is because I allow it. I've been fighting battles and winning wars long before you were born and known. I mean, no one has the power to win this war more than me. Hello, this is Commander Roemer speaking. Listen, I know there are still many of you out there on board this vessel and I know we're outnumbered and all of us have suffered. We've lost friends, loved ones, but we need to ensure that that was not in vain. The enemy is out there and they are coming and I know you did not complete your training and this was not part of the plan and I know you're scared because I'm scared too, but I need you to step up now for all of us.