Sherlock Holmes - Exerpt

Profile photo for Daniel Bogel
Not Yet Rated


A sample of a reading from Sherlock Holms and The Sign of Four.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sherlock Holmes. By the time I got out into the ground, Sherlock Holmes was on the roof, and I could see him like an enormous glow worm crawling. Very slowly along the ridge. I lost sight of him behind a stack of chimneys, but he presently reappeared, and then vanished once more upon the opposite side. When I made my way around I found him seated at one of the corner eaves. That you Watson! He cried. Yes, this is the place. What is that black thing down there? A water barrel top on it? Yes. No sign of a ladder. No! Confound the fellow. It's the most breakneck place. I ought to be able to come down where he could climb up. This water pipe feels pretty firm. Here goes, Anyhow. There was a scuffling of feet, and the lantern began to come steadily down the side of the wall. Then, with a light spring he came down onto the barrel, and from there to the earth It was easy to follow him! He said, drawing on his stockings and boots, tiles were losing the whole way along, and in his hurry he dropped this. It confirms my diagnosis as you doctors express it. The object which he held up to me was a small pocket or pouch woven out of colored grasses, and with a few tawdry beats strong, rounded in shape and size. It was not unlike a cigarette case. Inside were half a dozen spines of dark wood shop at one end, and rounded at the other like that, which had struck Bartholomew shelter their hellish things, he said. Look at that. You don't ***** yourself. I'm delighted to have them for the chances are that they're all he has. There is less fear of you and me finding one in our skin. Before long. I would sooner face a martini bullet myself. Are you game for a six mile stretch Watson? Certainly, I answered fit and fight. Do you want to be fit? Do you want to fight? Well, let's go fit and fight is the only gym where you can fight to get fit, get fit to fight or do both get fit with an I. F. B. B. World champion bodybuilder, learn to fight with a german amateur boxing champion. Come in 2 12 84 South Federal Highway on pompano beach or call 954788 oh 2 to 1. And did I mention it's a friendly gym? Well, it isn't, if you want a friend, get a dog. If you want to get fit and learn how to fight, you know where you need to be fit and fight