Audiobook Sample (English)

Profile photo for Daniel Colt
Not Yet Rated


Sample from \"Father Forgive Them\" by Sarah Holman available on iTunes/Amazon/Audible

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter One. It had happened again yet another. Delusional man claimed to be the messiah. Jonathan moved with the crowd, his anger pulsing with his heartbeat. If only Israel was not controlled by Rome, this radical man would not have been allowed to teach. As long as he had jewish law would have stopped him long ago. Yeshua of Nazareth had claimed to be so many things like the son of God King and messiah that's from her, someone shouted as Yeshua was dragged out onto the stage, bloodied from the whipping he had received. Pilots stood not far away, looking across the crowd, Jonathan's hands balled into fists and he felt anger surged within him. They should not have to be groveling to a roman ruler to carry out justice. Yet as long as this blasphemer died, justice would have been done.