Audiobook recording of \"Goddess of Rain\" by Jane Frkovich



Sample of audiobook recording of \"Goddess of Rain\" by Jane Frkovich. Fiction book where I voiced all of the characters, including Greek gods and goddesses

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Honey. I'm so happy to see you. I hear a voice break through my thoughts. I gasp in surprise and almost drop my phone. I look up and see the hem of a diaphanous blue maxi dress. The fabric is so pretty and looks way too nice to be casually thrown on for a trip to the park. I let my eyes travel upwards to see who this person is, who seems to know me. And when I get to her face, I stop and freeze. My mouth drops open and I can't find my voice. My breathing is coming in rapid shallow breaths and I don't have enough air to get the words out. I close my eyes and focus on taking deep breaths. My breathing slows and I open my eyes at last I am able to speak. And I say in shock, mom, suddenly I am in an embrace of filmy blue and the scent of citrus. There are kisses all over my face and long black hair brushing over my eyes. So it's difficult to see. Finally I say, is it really you? She grabs me and begins the whole kissing routine again. I feel her tears splash down my face and know that it is her, the hardness that I have held around myself for years like a shell begins to ripple in places and crack. There is enough flexibility that I can bend and soon I allow myself to melt into her embrace. I hug her back and feel a little bit of the heaven I must have felt when she used to hold me against her shoulder as a baby. I am secure and tethered with her on the ground. I have missed you so much. She says with a beaming smile, she blinks away the tears and her lashes look incredibly long and lush. Are those false eyelashes. Did my mom stop and get lash extensions before coming to find me. I stare at her and she looks amazingly beautiful. My mom had always been a pretty woman but the person before me now is full on Vixen. She had been an anchor woman before she had me and had kept her polished TV, prettiness. While I was growing up, she had worn her hair and her anchor bob minus the regular maintenance and hairspray. Her style was middle grade mom just stylish enough not to be embarrassing and nothing sexy. So as to mortify me, Mom 2.0 has thrown that rulebook out the window. The woman before me has Raven black hair cascading in loose waves down her back two sidewalks strategically framing her chest. Did mom always have a chest like that. A subtle hint of cleavage peeks out of the top of her dress. The fabric skims her body so her small waist is accented and a clear s curve of a figure is there for all to see. What has she been doing with her time? Daily Pilates and plastic surgery. What the **** mom, I say feeling a little cross. You fell off a cruise ship. What are you doing here? What happened? And what did you do to your hair? Are those extensions? It is the part about the extensions that seems to irk her the most. These aren't extensions. She replies while smoothing down a tussled wave. I can grow a hair. She says with a touch of irritation, I sigh and try again, mom, you were dead. You and Zeus demarco fell into the water. There was a huge storm and they never found your bodies, but there was no way that you could have survived that. How did you get here? My mom reaches for my hand and looks at me with thoughtful eyes. She seems to be taking a moment to compose her thoughts before answering. I didn't really fall off a cruise ship. She says in a slow measured voice like she is dumbing something down for a toddler. I was, she hesitates as she searches for the word. I was sort of abducted by Zeus