Covid University Announcement



Explainer on Covid regulations at University in English.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




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We show consideration for each other in order to be able to work together safely at our university. It is important to precisely follow these safety measures In all areas of the university where a 3G certificate tested vaccinated or recovered is required. The obligation to wear a mask at the seat or workplace will be lifted as of July 1, 2021. Wearing mouth and nose protection is mandatory in all university buildings. This applies in particular to general circulation areas, corridors, staircases and lifts. It is not necessary to wear mouth nose protection at the work or sitting place Distances of less than one m are to be avoided under all circumstances wearing of private mouth nose protection is possible except in special laboratory areas. We would like to appeal to your personal responsibility. Please take the requirement for a 3G. Certificate seriously and protect yourself and others in this way. In doing so, you will be making an important contribution to the joint fight against the pandemic. Thank you very much.