English, Health Industry, Cardiology patient ICD informer video.

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Video Narration


Patient informer video for a district health boards Cardiology department. Requiring a professional, serious, friendly voice due to the nature of the material. Technical language was used throughout requiring accurate delivery. Provided the draft script I worked with the author to tweak the flow.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We know that some people are at an increased risk of sudden cardiac death for various reasons, and your doctor has identified that you fall into this category. Your cardiologist has recommended that you have an implanted cardiac defibrillator or I C D. While having an OCD does not reverse heart disease, this device is constantly monitoring your heart rhythm and can treat a dangerous rhythm immediately. In this DVD, we will explain heart rhythms, how the device works, what it is like living with an implanted cardiac defibrillator and hopefully answer some of the questions that you might have. Remember, your cardiologist is always happy to discuss any concerns that you have a cardiac arrest is an electrical problem, which causes the heart to stop beating. Whereas a heart attack is a circulation problem. This is a blocked artery, which prevents blood from reaching the heart and therefore part of the heart muscle begins to die. Shock is the only treatment for sudden cardiac death, and time is of the essence. An external defibrillator can shock a dangerous rhythm back into normal Sinus rhythm and internal shock via the implanted cardiac defibrillator does the same. However, it requires less voltage and will be much faster. Remember, time is of the essence in normal Sinus rhythm, the heartbeat is an electrical impulse, followed by a muscle contraction. The electrical impulse starts in the Sino atrial or a note, which is located in the top chambers of the heart, called Atria. This impulse then travels down a pathway through the atrial ventricular or a V node to the bottom chambers of the heart, called ventricles. This flow of electrical impulses and contraction is what creates a normal heartbeat at rest and normal heartbeats between 60 and 80 times per minute. Abnormal fast rhythms are called tachycardia. There are different types of tachycardia, and the implanted device is programmed to deal with these differently. Ventricular tachycardia is usually corrected with very small electrical pulses called over pacing. These may be felt as a flutter. Palpitations like your heart skipping a beat or nothing at all. Ventricular fibrillation, or V F, is caused by electrical impulses in the ventricles being transmitted in a fast, chaotic manner. This causes the ventricles to quiver or fibrillation, and blood is no longer pumped efficiently through the heart and body. If prolonged, this arrhythmia can cause sudden cardiac death. Your device is programmed to recognise this arrhythmia and send an electrical surge or shock down the lead to interrupt this rhythm and restore a normal heartbeat. Most patients say that this shock feels like a sudden jolt or a thump to the chest. Some people black out during fibrillation so they may not feel anything. If someone is touching you whilst you receive a shock, they may feel a small muscle jerk, but it will not hurt them. You will be given the local anaesthetic injection, usually on the left side, near the collarbone, and a small incision is made to access the vein and introduce. It is then inserted down this vein into the correct chamber of the hot. The lead is then fed through this introducer and attached to the inside wall of your heart chamber. The introducer is then removed and the lead connected to the generator. You may have between one and three leads, depending on your heart condition. Your cardiologist will make a small pocket above the muscle, and when all leads are connected, the device is placed into this pocket and the wound stitched up. A sterile bandage is then placed over the wound. Your device implant procedure will take place in the Cardiac Catheter Lab Theatre. Upon arrival to the day Ward, you will be assisted by nurses to prepare. You will have already had discussions with your cardiologist to explain about the implanted cardiac defibrillator, its implications, the procedure and signed a consent form. Once you're in the cardiac Cath Lab Theatre, you'll be given conscious sedation, which means you'll be given medication so that you will not feel pain and feel a little sleepy. But you can still talk to your health team throughout your implant. Health team will consist of a cardiologist, nurses, radiography and a cardiac physiologist. Mm.