Commercial Reel

Radio Ad


Several Commercials, an Educational Spot, a Continuity, and a Youthful Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Nu Trece May micro missed Hairspray Get set with our pro performance hair sprays. Whatever your style, get frizz free. Smooth hair all day. Trust may professional at your fingertips. Brilliant bows. Wrap up your outfit with a statement. Bow in dazzling sterling silver from Pandora. We've been growing and nurturing almonds in our orchards beneath the warm Californian sun for over 100 years. No wonder it's so delicious. Blue diamonds, almond breeze, we grow the goodness. Tigers are the largest of all Wildcats and are renowned for their power and strength. There were once nine tiger subspecies, but three became extinct during the 20th century, and over the last 100 years, hunting in forest destruction have reduced. Overall tiger populations dramatically relive the magic of beloved Disney films in the most spectacular firework show in the history of Magic Kingdom Park. The Magic of Disney at Magic Kingdom Park. Look now at www dot Disney holidays dot com