Danya V Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Danya Vass
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A selection of different commercial spots, ranging from cheery to dramatic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What would shopping look like? You could walk into a store, grab what you want and just go Game record stream without compromise on Lee on Intel's core by seven. Unfortunately, slow Internet connection means Dan has to wing it and Dan not much of a way. We love flavor because it transforms the ordinary. That's what we do here. We'd make things taste freaking awesome. People start enjoying the small things in life, a home cooked meal and timed with loved ones. It's back to basics. Sand basics. Good, Protect them, put them in good hands. So every single month right about now, pretty happy to see my energy bill. Not happy happy. I mean, it's not the same happy I get when there's mint chocolate chip on my waffle cone. I get pretty happy about that. You can either deal with it. Are we done with it? Gift of three days asleep. Care for T's Garnier