Darbi's Technical Narration

Video Narration


A sample with some fancy computer jargon.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
After reaching the whole world with more than 500 modules, I be a introduces a new generation off synth era synth era. Plus with more potential, more capacity and more reliability. Smarter synth era Plus is the smallest module on the market, and yet the one with the biggest potential due to its accessories. The eye of fee loader, the fixed I of P for developments to routine production, the smallest H PLC on the market and the synth era extension for more functionalities. Better with the I F P Loader and the patented self rejection of consumables, you can now perform up to 12 Radio Synthes ease of multiple tracers without opening the hot cell, which increases the capacity of each module by a factor of four with zero radiation exposure. Synth era Plus is the most cost and space efficient solution available stronger as all electronic components are placed outside the hot sell the synth era pluses. Durability is significantly increased, resulting in less maintenance and maximized up time. Synth era plus perfectly complements Cyclone Cube, with its capability to efficiently process two times 50 curies of 18 F, leading to the highest production ever reached at a single cyclotron facility. Synth era, plus better, smarter, stronger