Fractured Online Game Demo

Profile photo for dave ericson
Talent Online


This is a VO demo for the game's home page.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Adventurer it is time to step foot into the world of fractured online. In this dynamic world, you'll find your way to play as you navigate through player build cities, aggressive beasts and monsters and a temperate system that can ruin your day of your ill prepared. What kind of adventurer will you be though, regardless of what path you choose, fractured online will give you the freedom to look and play just the way you like it, fancy yourself as a wandering Arkan ist, capable of calling upon the elements to do your bidding. Or how about a gladiator belonging to an order of peacekeepers patrolling city streets in order to keep the peace? Or what about a conduit of chaos, killing anything that moves as you create misery and suffering everywhere you roam.