Video Narration


Excerpts from 3 e-learning recordings demonstrating David's ability to present "dry" material in an understandable and easy-to-listen to delivery.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for nitrous oxide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and helium. The colors are consistent among all the suppliers. Nitrous oxide is blue, nitrogen is black, carbon dioxide is gray and helium is orange. Medical mixtures do not have required color standards. Therefore, each supplier will assign a particular scheme and have a detailed label, which identifies the gases contain and the W. H. M. I s classification. Please refer to the course reader for this module. Each one of the sub category pages starts with the trusted resource banner that we showed us part of the trusted Resource Centre tour more opportunities that you can present your aliens the best chances you have of earning a referral commission. There are many navigation options in this e learning module. To view a specific section of the presentation, click the links at the bottom of the intro page or click the section titles in the left hand navigation. To search for a specific keyword or view, slide notes and thumbnails click the appropriate tab. To pause the presentation, click the pause button at the bottom of the screen.