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Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A compilation of radio ads I've voiced and produced

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, Hey, you over here over here? Hi. Yeah, here in your computer. I'm glad we could have this talk. Look down the hallway there. See you know who's cushy corner office. Why isn't that your office? Why are you here sharing your cubicle with that guy who talks about a pet monkey all day for the grand opening of America's newest L. A. Fitness sports club. This saturday february 18th. Did you know the brain is protected by cerebrospinal fluid? C E B E C E R E B R O S P I N A L. Get out of here and your treat sometimes can be as short as 10 seconds per I. Which means in the time you've been listening to this commercial, you could have had four eyes taken care of, although if you actually do have four eyeballs, then you've got other issues valentine's night. If you don't take advantage of both jewelers, 50% off Valentine's day sale, you don't love me anymore Valentine's night. If you do go to both jewelers for their 50% off Valentine's day sale. It's not just about trucks at performance dodge. They have a huge inventory of new and used cars including the new dodge charger. Take the charger out for a test drive this saturday july 23rd and get a free dodgeball DVD Because if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. You probably had to see the movie to understand that. Never mind. We've been searching for a new chick fil a spokesmodel for quite some time now with. Well, I guess you could say mixed results. Go ahead whenever you're ready. Eat more chicken. No, next, No, next. No, no, no, next. No. What warning? The following is just an annoying example. Please don't close out of your browser. This is just an example. I know you want that vehicle, but I'm going to try to talk you into this much more expensive vehicle that you don't really need to talk to my manager. You wait here for an hour because your time isn't important to us. You're cute. Are you single? Exactly? Who wouldn't love an Octoberfest filled with german beer tasting music and food and Oh wait, I understand. We have a special announcement. Let's go live. I couldn't have said it better myself, Octoberfest at western developments Brewery Town Square. Did you know the longest bone in the body is the femur. Isn't a fever. A cross between a monkey and a cat. No, that's a lemur. Although lemurs have fevers too