Commercial Demo 13

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
dogs don't know what's good for them, like not being able to leave a good stick alone and not knowing this tasty treat is good for their teeth, Right boy engineered for the road ahead and equipped for versatility, whether the stylish sedan or this 45 door, the Subaru Impreza is ready for whatever inspires you wherever you are headed, plenty of companies build you a self propelled mower that will pull you around the yard like an untrained ST Bernard. But the engineers, a Toro, have taught the self propelled mower to heal completely under your control. Today is the day, the day your dream becomes a reality. The day that you get what you worked so hard for and Community Bank was there a every step along the way. You know how it goes. You're broke. You can maybe squeaked by on a Mac and cheese till payday. But then tha man Yep, that was the car. Looks like you are going to need some money. We, the people of Georgia, are greater greater than the pain pills threatening to destroy our communities, and we become great by empowering our people to take action. Have you heard about illuminate broadband. They're the best Internet in the valley and kind of a gig. Deal? No, a gig deal. You're my teacher, my protector. You're my best friend and life is infinitely better because of you. A Zilong is their animals in need. Animal humane society will be there for them because a better world for animals is a better world for us.