Doug Gilbert Narration

Profile photo for Douglas Gilbert
Not Yet Rated

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Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How do you know that a so called secure website is actually secure? The answer. SSL Encryption. It's a verification process between the browser that you're on and the server that supports it. Within nanoseconds, the browser and server perform a secret digital handshake that validates the others. Identity. Ensuring a secure connection. Labrador retrievers are the most popular dog breed in America. Their intelligence and athleticism have made them a favorite among police departments. Their compassion has made them effective therapy dogs. And, of course, their loyalty and affection have made them tremendous family members, too. Before Gandhi, no one had ever built a protest movement around civil disobedience. In fact, most people thought the idea passive resistance was doomed to fail. That might would always try and overwrite. But Gandhi proved the Doubters wrong, and by doing so, he helped change the course of history. Rising nearly 700 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, the cliffs of more are one of Ireland's most dramatic natural features. They began to form over 300 million years ago as bands of sandstone, silt, stone and shale were carved away by a major river system that has long since disappeared.