Dan Donohue - Interactive

Profile photo for Imperium 7
Not Yet Rated

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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
drop your weapons. That means you Strel yet, Nisus Speed and Sukha, even if you kill us, more will come for you. Not so tough now, are you, ************? We got lightning! We got fire! What do you got? My bleed. Thirsts for a giant Splunk ****! Screams Hall demands absolute not understand this double life traipsing around with her things while your true kinsman line this hold under you for one day Humanity will disappoint to with our weakness. No thanks To bake for about a finger blunder bottom! Here I am going to smoke the stupid great Ruthie. Well, let's look at our options. Do the math. If you over here we have what we will call certain death at the hands of heavily armed soldiers held Van Thanh turning our bodies in the bullet riddled meet pinatas that they may or may not purify through fire Gets the other claws over here. They're talking the glory target in the legs Cleaver Bob got me a clip over. That's great. Now injection complete heartbeat Positive brainwaves Positive subject shows vital signs at I have sat quietly and I have washed because that is the task that the universe as a queen to me I have watched adversity turned into triumph