Character Demo__Debbie Irwin



What do kids, fish, owls and evil kings have in common? My voice! Sit back, relax and enjoy the wonderful, sometimes wacky world of cartoon, story book and video game characters.
Your words + my voice = our impact.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


French (General) Irish (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I made that your parents stay in the castle. That's a savings of up to $500 compared to the high pharmacy price per pill for Viagra or salad. And your some of my friends who helped me move over, Billy Bad Big from me. You, Me? If you're currently paying high pharmacy prices for medications for erectile dysfunction Once upon a time over here in the puddle behind the tree, Please help us. I'm Tony Annoy so funny with my own Dubai. I just know that evil King of the North Kingdom is going to try and cheat them. Spread the world. He plucks the strings of the sitter like an angel. Now find a man with a sausage pin. Two is at Aunt Bea. Came to stay for a week on Monday. Way went to the playground on Tuesday, we went to the zoo