Lion king by Disney. I am passionate about children stories

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This is a demo for the book version of Lion King

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


East African (General) Kenyan (East Africa)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The animals came from far and near across the dusty African plain. They came on padding poles and pounding hooves and flapping wings. Each beast from the tiniest ant to the largest elephant made its way to pride rock for that was the home of the lion king. And this was especially in the pride lands today, Simba, the firstborn cub of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi would join the great of life. The animals took their places and bowed to King Mufasa. Then Rafiki, the wise baboon stood at the edge of the pride rock and held up the little cub for all to see a great cry rose from all the animals. The elephants trumpeted the zebras whined the bad song for joy at the sight of Simba, the future lion king. But one animal did not join the joyous ceremony scar. The king's jealous brother stayed in his den.