New commercial demo

Television Ad


new commercial reads all different types funny and serious

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - East Midlands, Leicester) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sorry, deliciously squidgy adventures. Introducing the new Kia Xe, a sporty Crosser which breaks new ground and now a mini meditation serenity, exhale whatever's happening here. Now bring your focus back to your customer, Tom. Get your, let's explore immersive mega pack. Now at let's explore dot com, use skinny sprinkles before every meal and lose weight and right now save £15 when you buy two boxes. Can you turn 80 like mighty Mike? Keep it cool. Like the iceman. Double out like snake pie. If you love darts, then double down by betting on your favorite competitors. Even when we lose a battle, we will never surrender together. We'll set sail and discover new lands again. Conquer our fears as brothers and sisters focus your efforts on destroying the enemy's stronghold all while never taking your eye off the status of your own Qatar. Yeah, a more exceptional driving experience awaits you this winter at Jaguar Manhattan's winter of luxury sales event. Smiley Halves available now at smiley halves dot com for the climate for wildlife, for curiosity and class seven C for planning planting for this generation and the next for all. For always. We are for England. We are forestry. England. Join us as we explore one of Europe's most spectacular destinations with celebrity cruises.