Characters: 2 puppies, dogs and author.



Three friends. Characters: 2 puppies, dogs and author. Language: English.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
three friends. Not fair. He up little golden. We never get to anything exciting. You're right. It's rubbish, said Hop it. When your pop, you just have to stay at home and be bored. The big dog has Can Be a Golden had been in the forest all day with a man from the farm hunting Your folks had had been trying to get into the henhouse. Little golden and hop. It hadn't been allowed to go along. You are too young and child, er said Husky here, just in the way. No, we're not, said the Pops. Yes, you are, said Big Golden. Also, it's time for you to sleep so you grow as big and strong and brave has had asking me one day. That's right, said Husky. Your little ones should sleep now while we keep guard. They lay in the bottom of the door jar so they could see the fox if it turned up. But it wasn't long before Big Golden and Husky fell asleep, tired after their hard day's work, but the pups were wide awake