Service Plan Customers

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Audition from Voices

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in times when changes are happening quickly. Keeping up with customer's needs is the key to providing a good experience. So what are the main customer needs? We see today, one having risks under control to reducing costs in the operation and three growing the business in a sustainable way. We know that service plan customers are more satisfied. We see higher nPS scores and there are also the customers that purchase more from us both services and equipment service planned customers experience quicker response time having potential problems and breakdowns either prevented or resolved faster. They also experience an easier way of doing business as less P. O. S have to be approved and generated. The number of invoices are reduced so the overall administration is down to a minimum. Dealing with budget. Planning is also different as we can plan ahead and the yearly expenditure is known from day one. There are less surprises and the business is a lot more predictable. Timely maintenance means high reliability and uptime, resulting in lower maintenance and production costs. Most importantly, we help customers minimize the element of surprise their emergencies and unexpected shutdowns. With shortened recovery time, customers will be able to focus on what matters most to them. Their process and business is sustainable growth