The Words of My Soul: Introduction_The Naked Truth

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The Words of My Soul is a book written by Destini Taylor regarding love and relationships. I am the author of this book and decided to read the introduction in order to sample my reading experience.

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the words of my soul introduction Then they get truth. Two people can be fully clothed and hold each other without a single adjustment in their clothing. And although it is preferred that both people should be naked in order to make love, it is possible for one to be naked while the other is still fully clothed. However, nothing can start and nothing can finish without an adjustment to an article clothing. People remove their clothes by choice. You can't force them to take off their clothes. If they are not willing to do so, you can ask for them to be removed before entering your home and they can either obliged or decline a request. You can invite them in from the cold and ask for their cult several times and they can decline and tell you they are still cold or they are fine. They are comfortable with their code on. If you just wait patiently, serve them tea, give them great conversation and make them laugh and feel comfortable. You will find that in their time at their own pace, they will remove the coat. I am comfortable being naked and although it may be a cold day or the sun may burn my skin, it is my choice to be content in my own skin revealed. For whomever I want to see it, I made a choice to show you my skin and to the world. You may still be fully cold. But I've seen the adjustments you've made at your own pace. You can keep on your cult until you feel comfortable and trust I will not force you to remove it. That is your choice to do so. But when you are ready I'll hang it up for you. The moral to the story is this Some of us have walls, some of us have bridges and some of us have a street with signs leading straight to our hearts. However, the choice to make the adjustments to remove the walls, bridges and street signs to our hearts are our own walls. Keep everything out, but they also prevent things from getting in, choose your walls wisely and remember you are the builder and the breaker. The choice to do one or the other is completely up to you, comments from the author. I don't presume to know all the answers. I can only speak for my personal experiences. I can tell you that one of the things I've mastered throughout my life is patience. It takes patience to love, to find love and to keep love when you do find it is definitely worth the wait. We are not all made the same and therefore we cannot be treated the same. What happened with someone in your past does not have to be the determining factor of what happened in your future allow people the opportunity to feel comfortable enough to take off their coat. Maybe they don't drink tea, But did you try offering coffee as an alternative before you just gave up? Think of how many opportunities have been missed simply because there was not enough patients present to give people the opportunity to warm up and want to take off their coat. Now, that's the naked truth.