Introduction to an audio book I narrated called How to Dress An Inverted Triangle


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Chapter one. Why are we so stressed out? We're living in very trying and difficult times. Technology and advancements have made things more complicated than the simple life our ancestors lived. Sometimes life can be terribly painful and unfair. Why do some people manage to get through it easier than others? They have better tools. Society as a whole is more stressed. Millions of people are in record levels of debt. Many are losing their jobs, their homes, their health and sometimes even their sanity worry, depression and anxieties seem to have become a way of life. It seems like we've entered the age of anxiety. In fact, Time magazine wants proclaimed this in one of their issues. The constant stress and uncertainties of living in the 21st century have certainly taken their toll. The result is that many people are now living in a state of constant fear and worry. When the 9 11 terrorist attacks happened, this became magnified. In fact, even now, years later, people report they're still scared. Every day they worry that something of that magnitude will happen again. Turn on the news or open up a newspaper, and you're bombarded with disturbing images and stories, you began to wonder if you're safe anywhere. The information age is providing us access to endless data. Most of what is considered by the media is unsettling and disturbing news. Having more women in the workplace adds to the stress. Many women feel the need to be everything to everyone, and that includes a paycheck earner, housekeeper, mother, wife, daughter and sibling. Trying to cram everything in and do it well is a huge stress factor. Women are so busy doing everything that they don't take time for themselves, and if they do, they feel guilt. This cycle is a losing one, and it's driving stress levels to an all time high. Even Children can feel the pressure of stress and anxiety. Teenagers who want to go to college feel pressure to obtain scholarships. They need part time jobs to earn money for extras that their parents can no longer afford. Add peer pressure into the mix and you have a veritable pressure cooker. Cell phones, Internet Palm pilots, blackberries, iPods were always on the go and always reachable. There's no downtime in life anymore. We're so busy that we've forgotten how to relax and our minds are constantly going over what needs to be done. We feel pressure to do these things because we think we have to, not because we want to. It's difficult for people to just say no, not saying that One little word. It piles up unneeded expectations and obligations that make us feel anxious. All of us will experience situations that will cause us to become stressed or feel anxious. The reasons are endless, but here are a few common stress triggers. Buying a property career pressures, having gas, stay over being bullied exams, looking after Children, managing finances, relationship issues, deaths, illnesses and traveling. Stress is a normal function of everyday life on Lee. When it starts to take over your life, does it become a problem? Everyone reacts to stressful situations differently. It's usually when we don't feel in control of a situation that we feel its grip tightening around us, causing extreme stress were gained that control and lose the stress. You have everything inside you. You need to overcome stress and the accompanying anxiety. You can gain the upper hand on stress. Let's first look at the barriers we put up that are preventing us from becoming healthy and getting rid of our anxieties and stress blocking behaviors. Keeping your stress alive. Thes air three obsessive behaviors that you are likely to be engaging in that are impeding your health process and stop you from enjoying life. Recognizing these barriers is the first step towards getting rid of the problems that happen when you're too stressed. The first is obsessive negativity. When you are obsessively negative, it means you have a tendency towards looking at all things you don't like about people, places, situations and things in your life. Is your cup half full or half empty? I believe it's half full and you can, too. If your internal voices telling you things like you can't do this or no one understands or nothing ever works, you're sending yourself negative signals. You may be doing this unconsciously, so you need to tune into this voice. It could be holding you back from knowing what it's like to view life from a positive lens and enjoy the beauty in yourself and people around you.