Narrative Demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Samantha had been laying in a big pile of leaves all afternoon. It was a glorious, brilliant, magical autumn day. If anyone had asked, Samantha would have told them the trees were stately, swaying, noble, and the cream moves were there, fluttering rose. Slender willows were her favorite trees. Their flight bark made her think of the Japanese gage. Daniel carefully placed the strange wooden box on top of a large rock. We had just pulled it free from underneath the roots of a fallen tree down the river's edge. As we began to brush away the layers of silt and mud, water from within the box began to drain. The water is red, cried Sirrah. Why, why would it be read? Daniel laughed, and he began to smash the sides of the box with a sharp stone. It's July in the year 1914. As we gather for an illustrious occasion, a wedding in Austria is set against the backdrop of the eve of the first World War. It is a tale told within the fabric of basic human tapestry, laced with strands of green passion and vengeance, fraught with betrayal and laden with political turmoil and espionage. Hi, this is Diane Sawyer, teeny, and thanks for listening