Paramed Digital Thermometer



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pyramids. Automatic upper arm blood pressure monitor is comfortable and easy to use. You can check both blood pressure and heart beat by pressing a single button. What should I do to ensure that the results are reliable? We advise sitting still for at least 10 minutes before starting measurements, then full of the procedure. Instructions carefully. How do I correctly attach the cuff to the arm before switching on the device? Sit up straight at a desk, place your feet on the floor and relax. Wrap the cuff around your left arm above the elbow so that its edge is 2 to 3 centimeters from the elbow joint and the pipe is directly in the middle of your arm. What should I do during measurement? Switch the monitor on, sit still and relax. Place your arm on the table with your palm facing up. Do not move and breathe calmly. What do all the numbers and signs on the screen mean? Results appear on the screen. Within a minute. You will see your systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart beat. If three hearts appear on the screen, this means that the device has identified arrhythmia. It is recommended that you see a doctor to have your heart checked. How can I change the monitor settings For comfortable use of the monitor, we recommend making several changes to the settings. One. Switching the musical signaling and results reading off or on while the screen is off. Press the set button to switch off the volume. Press the set button Once again, you will see the symbols for switched off volume on the screen. To switch the volume back on. Repeat the steps to save. Click the off button to changing users while the screen is off. Present the set button and hold it for more than three seconds. You will see a blinking a symbol on the screen. Press the meme button. You will see a blinking be symbol press set to save, Then press the off button three setting date and time while the screen is off. Press the set button for more than three seconds. Press set several times until the date and time symbols appear to change the year. Press the meme button after each click on meme, the date will change by one unit to change the month and date press set again and use meme to choose the needed value to save press set and then the off button. Four decreasing and increasing the volume of sound and results reading while the screen is off. Press the set button for more than three seconds. Press set several times until the S P symbol and a digit appear. Each digit is the level of signal volume. The higher the value of the digit, the higher the volume to increase or decrease the volume. Press meme several times to save press set and then the off button mistakes in using the blood pressure monitor. Pay attention to mistakes which can affect the measurement results in order for your results to be as precise as possible. Please do not do the following while measuring blood pressure. One. Do not raise your hand or hold it in the air to do not turn your hand. Your palm should not be facing down on the table. Three. Do not remove your arm from the table or put it down. Four. Do not move your arm. Five. Do not measure your blood pressure while lying down. Six. Do not measure blood pressure several times in a row without removing the cuff. Wait at least five minutes between intervals. An automated blood pressure monitor from pyramid is designed to make your healthcare as easy and comfortable as possible. Watch your health and be healthy.