National Commercial Spots

Radio Ad


These are samples from three national radio commercial campaigns I voiced.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay, you said you wanted eight of the flutes and onyx. We actually only have four lap right now is hand blown glassware blows right off her store's shelves entirely. But we've got great platters. Okay, that's fine. I'll eventually be making another set but it's gonna be about 6 to 8 weeks before we do a restock. She needs a skilled inventory manager to help her keep her stock online. We're back ordered right now indeed. Can help her hire great people fast. I need indeed, indeed you do. This is Sophia having another night in. She had a boring night in last night and the night before that. Yeah, Sophia, now life's a cabernet, find rich smooth butter cab for under $20 in the wine aisle and at drink butter dot com. This witch's spell does foretell A foreboding dream of citrus scream. Skittles, shriek Urz beware.